‘Digital YOU’: Unearth Your Authenticity

Being an entrepreneur is rewarding in so many ways. Starting Reach Personal Branding back in 2001 and more recently CareerBlast.TV (with the amazing Ora Shtull) have been two of the things I’m most proud of. It’s a 24×7 pride. When I was working for the man (or more often the woman) in Boston, I was involved in so many organizations and charities, was on the board of a not-for-profit and fed the homeless on holidays. No matter how demanding my job was, I found time to give back. But since I moved from Boston to London then Paris and now New York/Miami, I have not made time for giving back (that’s a long time!).

And it has created a void.

When I bring this up to friends, colleagues and clients, they remind me “But you offer so much free, helpful career advice through your businesses,” and I know that’s true. But it just doesn’t fill the void.

That’s where my new book Digital YOU Real Personal Branding in the Digital Age comes in.

With past books, checks from my publisher were deposited directly into my bank – that’s good for my lifestyle, but does little to make the world a better place.

With Digital YOU, 100% of what my publisher (TD Press) pays me for each book is donated to an amazing organization – Free2Luv– that’s great for fulfilling my life’s purpose – making a giant deposit in my ‘contribute to the world’ bank.

Why Free2Luv?

I did tons of research to find an organization aligned with my values and I learned a couple of things. First, I learned that there are so many worthwhile organizations that are doing amazing things. And second, although many of these organizations pulled on my heartstrings, I learned that only a few really spoke to me.

I’m jumping up and down thrilled to tell you about Free2Luv. It’s an organization, as they put it:

“Where youth are EMPOWERED, individuality is CELEBRATED, bullying is not tolerated and LUV ROCKS!”

Personal branding is all about being your unique, authentic, best self. When I was researching organizations to support, the first thing I read on the Free2Luv site was their pledge – which ends with this: “I am committed to being the best version of myself to create change.” Nothing could be more aligned with the tenets of personal branding and with my purpose and values.

All profits from the sale of Digital YOU go to Free2Luv. In addition, I’ll be partnering with the wonderful people at Free2Luv to support their mission – more on that in a future update.

I encourage you to check out Free2Luv. And if you feel like I do about their potential to change the world one young personal brand at a time, then please consider buying a copy of Digital YOU (or copies for your team or entire organization ; ) 

Order a copy here.


Now, a little about Digital YOU

Since I made the decision to donate my profits, my excitement about this book (which was already a 12 out of 10) has quadrupled. This book provides the roadmap for translating your flesh and bones brand into your bits and bytes brand. I’m eager for you to read it because it provides the mindset shift you need to succeed in the new world of work along with tips on how to master social media without it taking over your life! And as much as I hate the act of selling, I feel great about promoting sales of this book because what I gain from each sale is the pleasure knowing that my book profits will go toward an organization that will make the world a kinder, more authentic and human place.

I leave you with this powerful and hopeful message that’s also on the Free2Luv website:

“We embrace each advocate’s individual strengths, talent and passion and together, we create a platform for them to thrive.”

Wishing you all great things that will help you thrive!

Contributed by best-selling author, motivational speaker, and branding specialist William Arruda.

Take a stand to spread luv and end bullying

take a stand to spread luv and end bullying

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